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Easington Colliery began when the pit was sunk in 1899, near the coast. Thousands of workers came to the area from all parts of Britain and with the new community came new shops, pubs, clubs, and many rows of terraced "colliery houses" for the mine workers and their families. 


On 7 May 1993, the mine was closed, with the loss of 1,400 jobs, causing a decline in the local economy. The pit shaft headgear was demolished the following year.


The town is known for a mining accident or disaster which occurred on 29 May 1951, when an explosion in the mine resulted in the deaths of 83 men (including 2 rescue workers).  A Memorial Garden formed from the pit head wheel is on the Nature Reserve Site.  

Aerial View
Easington Colliery Pit
into the sea
Memorial Garden
Memorial Garden
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